After a recent diagnosis of dementia

Is it Alzheimer's?

Get the definitive answer with DISCERN™
The only single-step, autopsy-validated test for Alzheimer’s disease. The ONLY diagnostic that targets the biology of memory.

Alzheimer’s Disease Is Complex.

Diagnosing It Doesn’t Have to Be.

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Is it Alzheimer’s? Everyone dealing with the challenge of dementia needs to know. Now they can.
With just a small, easy-to-perform autopsy-validated skin biopsy, the DISCERN™ test informs the definitive diagnosis physicians need to provide the right care for their patients with dementia — and it’s paid for by Medicare.
Learn about the DISCERN™ Test
what is DISCERN™

The Single-Step, Autopsy-Validated Test Targeting the Biology of Memory

Into this long-standing diagnostic challenge comes DISCERN™, from SYNAPS Dx. DISCERN™ is the world’s only autopsy-validated skin test that is highly accurate in identifying the presence or absence of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in a patient living with dementia.
Learn more about us

How DISCERN™ Makes a Difference

For physicians and their patients and families dealing with dementia, DISCERN™ provides the important answer.

The Earlier AD Is Diagnosed in Patients with Dementia the Better

By diagnosing AD in patients recently diagnosed with dementia, physicians can focus their treatment with greater precision and optimize care planning. Earlier intervention may lead to improved outcomes.
The Sooner Patients and Families Know the Better

Timely Access to New Treatments

The new Alzheimer’s treatments only slow disease progression. DISCERN™ can inform a definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, the first step to assess these treatments in people with living with dementia.
Enables clinicians to focus on other causes of dementia, some of which are treatable and may be reversible when caught early.
Some of these include more aggressively managing co-morbid conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and lifestyle changes including smoking cessation, wearing hearing aids, and increased physical and mental stimulation.

How it works in 4 simple steps

Take the test
A small skin sample is taken by your healthcare provider.
Send to lab
The skin sample is shipped to our lab.
We then incubate and evaluate the sample over 10 weeks
Get the result
We'll notify your healthcare provider for a follow-up.
Take the test

Your doctor will extract a small skin sample for thorough analysis during your examination, ensuring precision and your comfort.

Send to lab

Your doctor sends the sample to our lab for thorough analysis, ensuring accuracy and care.


Following the collection of the sample, we proceed to incubate it under controlled conditions, after which we conduct a thorough evaluation to assess its characteristics and properties.

Get the result

We'll notify your healthcare provider for a follow-up.

Before a Diagnosis of AD Dementia

Mild Cognitive Impairment: Early Intervention Can Make a Huge Difference

The first symptoms of cognitive decline are Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).
These conditions are often caused by a range of modifiable risk factors that can be addressed to slow or stop cognitive loss.  Addressable risk factors include hypertension, diabetes, depression, hearing loss, obesity, and physical  inactivity.
Unfortunately, the Alzheimer’s Association reports that 50-70% of symptomatic patients in the community setting are incorrectly diagnosed.  Routine cognitive screening and access to accurate and time- and cost- effective diagnostic tools are key to more accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
Because there is high variability in the progression from MCI to dementia —with most patients not progressing to dementia, let alone AD, in 10 years — identifying and addressing these modifiable risk factors can be key to improved brain health.
The diagnostic challenge
Get in touch with DISCERN™
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